Month: February 2021

Are you talking yourself out of success?

Are you talking yourself out of success? I go more in depth and explain this further in the video below There is a saying in the nutrition world that ‘every diet works…if you do it!’. There is a minefield of diets out there…some of them are questionable, some even dangerous, some are adequate, a few […]

Our lives are a result of our repeated actions.

Our lives are a result of our repeated actions.   When you decide that you are ready for a significant change to your life then take a good look at your daily habits and identify which ones are getting in the way of you living into the life that you want to have.   Example: […]

CrossFit is for everyone here is how we make it happen…

CrossFit is for everyone here is how we make it happen…   If you have found yourself curious about CrossFit and are interested in giving it a try but you think it will be just too hard; that you won’t be able to lift the weights or do pull ups etc  Then the wee video […]

Pancake Stretch

If there was one stretch that I would recommend for the majority of people then it is the pancake stretch. Simple, effective and progress can be seen and felt quickly. Some people will find that they really struggle in this position and they cannot get sat upright far less leaned forward…please check the comments for […]

Five Factors of Healthy Nutrition for Life.

Five Factors of Healthy Nutrition for Life.   The development of habits may take a bit of work and practice, but once they are established you will barely have to think  about them ever again. You will reach a stage where you will no longer think about your food as a ‘diet’ but it will […]