Are you talking yourself out of success?
I go more in depth and explain this further in the video below
There is a saying in the nutrition world that ‘every diet works…if you do it!’.
There is a minefield of diets out there…some of them are questionable, some even dangerous, some are adequate, a few are good…the one thing they all have in common though is that they will work (in terms of their intended purpose) if you stick to the guidelines for the duration!!
I don’t think anyone means to self sabotage.
But their little voice of comfort and self doubt might just get the upper hand at times…
‘You’re not good enough’
‘Being lean and healthy is for other people’
‘I will sort it out in the future’
‘When I’m in a better place I’ll tackle it’
‘I’ll just eat this to get it finished and out of the house’
‘I’ll take the pressure of responsibility and commitment off by having this takeaway’
‘I’m definitely needing carbs’
‘It’s just this once’
‘Everything in moderation’
‘I don’t think this diet is working, think I’ll try a detox’
Honestly I could keep writing this list allllllllllllllllll day…..
I’ve heard them all and thought of some of them myself!!
Pay close attention to that wee voice…its looking for the easiest way to live, it’s looking to be comfortable, it wants high calorie low effort foods, it even wants decadence and indulgence and, for some, it may even want you to fail!